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12/24/2005, Seattle trip day 1: Arrival, visit with Mom

Akemi and I took a trip to Seattle from 12/24/2005 to 12/31/2005.  It was mainly a chance for me to see people and places I had missed, but we did quite a bit of sightseeing, too.  For a summary of the trip, see the last day.

Travel to Seattle

We took separate planes, because we bought our tickets on different days.  At first, we didn't think Akemi could get the time off from work.  However, I arrived only an hour after she did.  No big deal.  Akemi stopped in Seoul.  I went via Vancouver.  I rather liked the Vancouver airport.  It feels very new.

thumbnailNative American art all over the place.
thumbnailMore Native American art.
thumbnailVery modern feeling.
thumbnailI caught this small plane from Vancouver, BC to Seattle.
thumbnailThe view from inside, coming down into Seattle, was great.
thumbnailNot sure where this is, but it's pretty.
thumbnailPretty scenery from the plane.
thumbnailAlmost on the ground.

Akemi's trip via Seoul, Korea

During her layover in Seoul, Akemi stopped and got some spicy Korean food.  Not so good for the gut, but surely tasty.

thumbnailAkemi took this, apparently to tease me.  I love this stuff, too.
thumbnailAnd here's the rest of the stuff.  Lots of Japanese food, for the Japanese travelers who come.
thumbnailApparently, Christmas has appeal in Korea as well.  Those are Korean letters near the bottom.

Riding around town with Mom

thumbnailUpon arrival, my mom took us for a delightful ride around town.
thumbnailSeeing normal things like buses was somehow magical for me.
thumbnailAkemi liked this church.  I think she likes anything that seems historical, even if it's not really all that old.
thumbnailWe stopped in for coffee at El Diablo.  This made me really happy.  I had been hoping we could go straight to a coffee shop when we arrived.  I have missed this place and others like it.  And, Akemi and I were both jet lagged.
thumbnailThe guy at El Diablo has this amazing talent for making pictures in your drink.
thumbnailAbove all, I was really happy to see my mom.  And, vice versa.
thumbnailSitting with Akemi in one of my favorite Seattle hang-outs was fun.  Sort of a bridge between my two little worlds (Japan and Seattle).

After that, we stopped home, and then went for a ride to see Christmas lights.  We were a little tired to get full benefit from the experience, though.  Something like 20 hours from Akemi's door to my mom's, not including the riding around.

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