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3/15/2005, Goals for the rest of my time in Japan
Since I decided to stay in Japan another year, I decided I'd better come back with something to show for my time. It's great to have cool experiences and get to know Japan. But, for two years of my life, I'd like to come back with a little more. Thought I'd stick them up here for prosperity.
These are in no particular order.
- Develop friendships with people here in Japan.
- Study for and take the GRE General and GRE Computer Science exams, in preparation for graduate school when I get back.
- Do everything necessary to submit graduate school applications in December of this year.
- Travel as much as possible, both within Japan and abroad.
- Make the most of the JET Programme experience, learning as much as possible about Japan and education.
- Develop my Japanese as much as possible with the time and resources available to me.
- Do 2 or 3 interesting computer programming projects both to stay fresh and because I've got some stuff I want to build.
- Improve my piano playing.
- Go back to the United States with some savings.
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