Alex Quinn's Japan Journal

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9/26/2004, Waffle, yogurt, and Jehovah's Witness

Not a real eventful day.  I mean, no trips or typhoons or earthquakes.  Woke up late.  Wandered down to a nearby western style cafe (3 minutes walk max).  Had a nice chat with some locals in the cafe in between studying Japanese on the counter next to my food.

thumbnailI had a cafe orei, which is how they call a latte.  They used a really whacky glass aparatus to make it.  It was really tasty.  They threw in a waffle and a small dish of only slightly sweet frozen yogurt for free.  Pretty wild, if you ask me.  Buy coffee.  Get breakfast free.  Anyway, it was all delicious.  Great place.

I was here at the apartment hammering out an email to my mom when the doorbell rang.  It was clearly a Jehovah's Witness.  (Yeah, they're everywhere.) Before I left, Fumi told me if I want to get rid of sales people or Jehovah's Witnesses, just answer the door in English and don't let on that I know any Japanese.  Good plan.  So, I answered in natural English.  This guy was a trooper.  He responded back in excellent English.  I was intrigued, so I stood and talked to him for a while.  Turns out he had an English bible with him and some English pamphlets.  Coincidentally, last night, I tried (briefly) studying my Japanese bible.  So, I pulled it out.  I made it crystal clear that I disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses but that I admired him personally and thought we had some beliefs in common.  He was really polite and not the least bit pushy.  I talked to him for a good 30 minutes in the doorway and not once did he express any desire to come in.  He asked if I'd mind if he came back sometime.  I politely declined and he didn't seem the least bit bothered or agitated.  This guy somehow makes Jehovah's Witnesses look good.

thumbnailHere he is, Yousuke Takahashi, in my doorway.
thumbnailAnd here, we zoom in and you can see his English-language bible.

Honestly, as I write this, I feel bad for not inviting him in.  It would go against my best judgment, but this guy was really nice... and interesting!

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